Friday, February 18, 2011

Hopefully Back for good...

Well, here it is. 2011. I completely forgot that I had a blog. LOL! My poor, neglected little blog. So much has changed since my last post 2 years ago. I have finished school with a degree in psychology and a degree in archaeology. I have moved back to my hometown and separated from my husband. I have a very small job as a Family Support Worker. When I say small, I mean small. I get about 12 hours per week! I hope the hours grow because its hard to support myself and my two sons on 12 hours per week.
I have joined a challenge with my good friends this year. We're working on our unfinished projects that we've started over the years. These are typically called UFO's. So far this year, I've finished 2 pairs of socks. I believe they were both started in 2007! Well, they're finally finished and I've been wearing them. Maybe I'll post pictures soon.

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